I’m so pleased to be part of the Merchant of Venus book tour and so pleased to be able to introduce to you this wonderful investigative memoir, The Merchant Of Venus : The Life Of Walter Thornton, by two of Walter’s daughters : Nancy Thornton Navarro and Adriana Thornton-Cornejo. What is amazing is that they had no idea how famous their father was until after he died, and this book is really about their journey of discovery as they uncovered the fascinating life of their father, Walter Thornton. Here’s a summary of their book:

Imagine losing a parent and discovering he had a secret life you’d never known about. You and your siblings embark on a quest to uncover what it all meant, becoming enmeshed in a series of images and anecdotes found in newspapers, magazines, books, and documents. Ultimately, you realize your parent was not just famous, but VERY famous! Walter Thornton was famous during a time when it was easy to be forgotten (1920s to the 1950s), making the discoveries about his life all the more engaging due to the involved process of uncovering them.
Through alternating perspectives presented by two sisters, the Thornton saga unfolds in a whirlwind of surprising revelations, thrilling with unexpected drama, adventure, and glamour. Just imagine beautiful models, pin-up girls, Hollywood royalty—Thornton was a true trendsetter. This book unveils the captivating story of Thornton’s rise from an orphan to a charismatic male model to a visionary who transformed advertising by founding the first-ever agency for advertising models. But hold onto your hats because there’s more! Get ready for dramatic twists, encounters with models who transformed into Hollywood legends such as Lauren Bacall, Susan Hayward, and Grace Kelly, and a hint of McCarthy-era intrigue—it’s a gripping tale worthy of the silver screen itself!
Publisher: Tile House Publishing, LLC
ISBN-13: 979-8989273553
Print Length: 240 pages
I am so excited to welcome onto the blog, Nancy and Adriana . Hello ladies, please introduce yourselves.

Hello! I’m Nancy Thornton Navarro,(L) a former trademark and copyright attorney who has also served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Irving, Texas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. I currently live near Dallas with my husband and I’m a proud mother of three.
Hello! I’m Adriana Thornton-Cornejo (R) . I’m a Full time Programmer, 2D Artist, and CAD Drafter at Focus 360, a company serving the Home Building Industry. I’m hoping that, with renewed public interest in my father’s life and career, I can one day open a Walter Thornton Museum. I live near Los Angeles with my husband and our two sons.
Who came up with the initial idea to collate your findings about your father and to write this very intriguing investigative memoir?
The initial idea to collate findings about our father and write this investigative memoir was a joint effort between my sister, Adriana, and myself. We both recognized the historical significance of our family’s story and felt compelled to share it with the world. Through our individual research efforts, we gathered information and collaborated by sharing our findings on Google, which was a fascinating experience as we uncovered new pieces of information together.

I really enjoyed reading your book, “Merchant of Venus: The Life Of Walter Thornton” and I particularly enjoyed how you wrote the chapters …uncovering each new piece of information a bit at a time, taking me, the reader, on the discovery journey with you. Researching your father’s earlier life must have been quite interesting…..what nugget of information truly was unexpected?
In regards to researching our father’s earlier life, every nugget of information we discovered was unexpected. While we knew him as a retired businessman, we were surprised to learn about his pioneering role in the modeling, beauty, and advertising industry for over two decades. The revelation of Grace Kelly’s presence in his model roster, as well as his involvement in the Stock Market Crash photo of 1929, were particularly astonishing to us. Grace Kelly had been a beloved movie star from our childhood, and seeing her name associated with our father’s work was truly unexpected.
The surprising and some times shocking findings of important documents and photos such as this and many other ones:
1940 Origin of the PIN UP GIRL photos and documents.
New York Post, Thursday, December 19 1940 Walter Thornton offered to brighten the lives of conscripts at Fort Dix by donating 5,000 photographs of beautiful models to decorate barracks. This is the letter he received from the army accepting his offer and was published in the NEW YORK POST. Walter Thornton as a Jude 1933:

Growing up in Mexico, were there any similarities with how your father lived and worked in Mexico compared with what you have since discovered about his life in the USA?
Regarding the comparison between our father’s life in Mexico and the USA, there were notable differences in his lifestyle. In Mexico, he led a quiet, family-oriented life, taking care of his loved ones and enjoying a tranquil existence. However, in the USA, he lived a more glamorous and fast-paced life as a celebrity, surrounded by beauty and media attention. The contrast between his two lifestyles was striking, reflecting the different chapters of his life in each country.
I was very impressed with the pin up girls of WW2 story – I had heard of them and the role the girls played during the war ; but it was great to discover the origins and why they were called pinups. Your father certainly had an eye for business and knew exactly what was required when picking the models.Having been a model himself, did he still maintain that smart look in his later years? Being his daughters, did he ever try to give you fashion/poise advice?
In Mexico he was a simple man so he dressed in simple clothing (given the good weather in Ajijic, Mexico, he mainly wore shorts, t-shirts and tennis shoes) but always maintained his shape. He never gave us advice on poise or fashion but he did buy some of the clothing we wore.

Growing up, did either of you have dreams of becoming models/ actresses or did you have other career aspirations?
Growing up, neither of us harbored aspirations of becoming models or actresses. Such career paths were not part of our world, so they never crossed our minds.
Is “Merchant of Venus: The Life Of Walter Thornton” available to purchase worldwide?
“Merchant of Venus: The Life Of Walter Thornton” is indeed available for purchase worldwide. Additionally, it will soon be translated into Spanish, and an audio book version will be released.
Knowing what you know now about your father’s earlier life, what question(s)would you have loved to have asked him if he was still alive today?
We have so many questions we wish we could ask. One would be to tell us what happened to the original manuscript of The Merchant of Venus book. According to the newspapers, it was going to get published in the mid 1950’s. What happened to his extensive collection of photography from his model agency. We know that we don’t have it all.

Are you bookworms? If so, what genres (or authors) do you usually like to read? And are you a kindle or “proper book” fan?
While we may not be avid bookworms, my sister and I enjoy reading paperback memoirs, particularly those of intriguing individuals, including the stars our father represented. Our interest in these memoirs stemmed from watching old movies with our dad, who often shared insights about the actors’ journeys to stardom.
Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?
On a typical day, I prefer a simple ensemble of jeans and tennis shoes. However, for special events, I opt for elegant knee-high dresses, high heels, and stylish jewelry.
Adriana: I don’t own any jeans. I love dressing up for work every morning. I like to play with colors and patterns. Love black and white. Also love to mix formal pieces with vibrant colors. I love wearing hats, jewelry and purses (I have collections of these items). I like to be comfortable so I don’t leave the house without my sneakers.
Do you have any favorite shops or online sites?
I frequent a small, trendy shop called Versona near my house for its affordable yet fashionable clothing and jewelry selections.
Adriana: One of my favorite clothing stores is Chico’s. I also love to shop when I visit Mexico where I find unique handmade pieces.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish lists?
I don’t maintain a specific clothes or shoe wish list as I prefer to explore new trends and make purchases as needed. Given my status as a stay home mom, shopping for new items isn’t a frequent occurrence.
Adriana: I don’t have a wish list, but I’m always on a hunt for good quality pieces.
Boots or Shoes?
I appreciate both boots and shoes for their unique qualities. Boots are my go-to choice during winter for their warmth and style, while shoes are preferred during the rest of the year for their versatility.
Adriana: shoes and sneakers for me.
Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMerchantofVenus
Webpage: https://themerchantofvenus.com
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Clarence_Thornton
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thorntoncornejo
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@themerchantofvenus/

All photographs have been published with the kind permission of Nancy Thornton Navarro and Adriana Thornton-Cornejo. Many thanks also for the review copy of Merchant of Venus: The Life Of Walter Thornton