An Interview With Motus3 Personal Training

Personal training with a twist – personal trainer & fitness expert Paul Yates and his company, Motus 3, are licensed to conduct personal training sessions in London’s picturesque Royal Parks – not only that, Paul can act as chauffeur and collect you from your front door in his own black taxi to the park! I caught up with the former Chelsea professional footballer apprentice recently  to find out all about his personal training style…. Welcome to the blog, Paul ….


Hi! My name is Paul Yates and I’m the founder of Motus3 Personal Training. I’ve been involved in the fitness industry for over 15 years and launched the Motus3 concept in 2010.

Where did you get the inspiration from to start Motus3?

The genesis for Motus3 was born while managing a popular gym in Covent Garden. Apart from the hardcore regulars I knew that most people overestimate how often they’ll go the gym by about 70%. It was apparent to me that by offering to bring the gym to a clients home or uniquely pick them up in a black taxi to train at one of London’s Royal Parks, I could provide a service that overcame the biggest hurdle to successful fitness: namely going to the gym and doing the training on a consistent basis that is necessary to achieve results. By combining a complete mobile personal training service with a style of training that keeps people both motivated and engaged with the process, I knew I could greatly enhance the chances of a client reaching their health and fitness goals.


Motus3 is a personal training brand – how does Motus3 provide a real alternative to traditional personal trainers and mundane workouts in the gym?

The Motus3 philosophy is all about the discovering of movement. A client can expect everything from swinging kettlebells, punching boxing pads,parachute sprints, going to war with battle ropes to animal inspired movement patterns and flows but where Motus3 differs to most training methods is that we don’t adopt a one sized fits all approach. We are not concerned with what works for any of our other clients but only what is going to give the person in front of us the greatest chance of transformation and success. Although we’re obviously serious about getting real results we never loose sight of the fact that the process should be fun as well.

So what do you enjoy most about being a personal trainer and fitness expert? Have you a favourite exercise?

I really enjoy connecting with people and showing that you can achieve real results while having fun at the same time. It’s so gratifying to work with people that may have become disillusioned and frustrated with previous attempts at getting fit and see them embrace and enjoy the process of discovering movement again. If I had to choose a favourite exercise it would have to be the kettlebell swing. It’s a great conditioning exercise and is the perfect antidote to the amount of sitting we do in the modern world.


What exercises or aspects of your personal training programme seem to be the most popular with your clients?

There must be something “primal” about boxing because everyone loves hitting the pads. It really gives you a lot of “bang for your buck” in terms of fitness benefits and apart from being a lot of fun It has great cathartic value as well – plus my clients know I’m not going to hit them back!

What exercise(s) seem to yield most results? What seems to be the least popular – or gets the most groans when you suggest it? (I hate push ups personally!)

I’m a big fan of High Intensity Interval Training which means short bursts of intense effort followed by brief rest periods and repeated a number of times. It’s a great training method for blasting away at stubborn body fat and any fitness tool and series of exercises can be used to achieve this. In general people groan about push ups and squats the most but I’ve become very good at distracting clients from realising they’re actually doing them.

Being a former apprentice professional footballer of Chelsea FC, you must have come across many famous names. Which famous lady or gent would you love to do a spot of personal training with?

Wow…that’s a tough question but I think a double training session with Adele and Jamie Oliver would be a lot of fun. I enjoy training real people and although they are both massive celebrities I admire the fact that they’ve remained authentic and stayed true to themselves in spite of their fame. After our training session I could drive them out to Jamie’s cottage in my taxi where he would prepare a healthy post exercise meal and Adele could literally sing for her dinner.


Have you had any funny moments that you can tell us about whilst conducting a personal training session?

I once had a Russian lady come up to me while I was training a client in Kensington Gardens and ask me if I could train her 3 year old daughter. She was deadly serious but I was literally looking for a camera to see if this was some kind of Candid Camera practical joke. I’ve also lost count of the times someone has stopped my client and I after training and said “let me get this straight, he picks you up in the taxi, trains you in the park and then drops you off home?”- it always make me chuckle when I see the look on their face as they process the information.

Motus3 is currently based in the London area. Have you any expansion plans?

I’ve had a number of discussions in regards to training other PT’s in the Motus3 style but without sounding conceited my training is very personalised and my clients want me. A lot of the people I train in London are American and Brazilian so I’m in the process of developing an online platform so I can better serve them when they are travelling.

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I live in fitness clothing so I enjoy putting on a pair of Harrys of London shoes with Paul Smith or Diesel jeans and a smart blazer at the weekends.

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites ?

I enjoy visiting the Bicester Village shopping outlet a couple of times of year to bag myself some bargains.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

A trip to South Audley Street to visit Harrys of London is imminent as I’ve got my eye on another pair of the Mr Jones 2 sneaker/shoe – they look great with either jeans or trousers.

Boots or Shoes?

I prefer shoes as they’re more versatile. I did purchase some boots recently but they make me feel like an oversized golf club.

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook/twitter etc so that readers of the blog can learn more about Motus3

Wow Paul – I don’t know what is more appealing – exercising in the open air in the beautiful London parks OR being chauffeur driven after a session!  I’m not sure how you can make push ups more appealing but I’ll take your word for it but I must say the kettleball swing sounds fun!  Dear readers, have you any favourite exercises or any exercises that you loathe? Do share your views, I’d love to know…

Linda x

All photographs have been published with kind permission from Paul Yates.

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