Author Interview: Adrian Gordaliza Vega

This week my guest is author Adrian Gordaliza Vega who has written an extremely topical book called “ The End Of Everything: A Society In Transition” …discussions on a variety of issues, posing questions and if you are interested in social issues from climate change to gender fluidity then this may be the book for you … a debate in a book! It certainly was thought provoking and I was very intrigued to find out from Adrian about his thought processes whilst writing his book …come and join me!


“The End of Everything : A Society In Transition” is a thought-provoking book by Adrián Gordaliza Vega that explores various important topics of our time. It covers subjects like sex, relationships, the climate crisis, veganism, politics, gender fluidity, dating apps, social media, fake news, Covid-19, and LGBTQIA+ rights. It offers insights into the complexities of our society and the challenges we face.


A big warm welcome to the blog, Adrian….

Hello. My name is Adrián Gordaliza Vega. I am originally from Spain but I have lived in London for nearly 20 years. I was a language lecturer for several years but now I manage Premium Languages and Spencer-Vega Languages, providing language services (tuition, translation, etc.) for corporate clients and individuals.

Who or what inspired you to write your book The End of Everything ?

Probably a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out). I had the feeling that I was not really understanding what was going on around me. I could account for the recent and profound changes in our society(non-binary gender, veganism, post-truth, identity wars, wokism, mental health problems, etc.) but I could not find the intellectual root that supported that vision. I knew there was one, because social changes like that are not random. I wanted to make the effort of understanding the cultural shift that we are living right now. The alternative would have been to sitdown in front of the TV and complain about the new generation and how much better mine was. I didn’t  want to be that cranky and frustrated man. 

The End of Everything is certainly very thought-provoking, extremely topical and covers just about every social issue around!  I liked that every chapter had a theme, questions posed then discussed – and then summarised. It is a book you can dip in and out of, or read cover to cover (as I did!).  What topic did you find the hardest to write about and why?  

Mmm, I would say the chapter about climate change was the most difficult. I was worried that I might give the impression that I didn’t care or that I don’t believe there are changes affecting our current way of living. However, we have to be very cautious with what we say in the name of “saving the planet” because sometimes it can be a very politically-charged expression used to justify other things like taxes, regulation, adopting expensive technologies that very few can afford, and so on. 

For Pinning Later

Were there any aspects of writing the book that surprised you, pleasantly or otherwise?

Of course. One of the things that I loved when writing the book was the research phase. I learnt so many things that made the whole process worthwhile for me personally, even if the book were neverpublished. On a less positive note, I guess the publishing industry is a tricky one. There are so manybooks published every year that it is difficult for them to make money. In practical terms it means thatmany mainstream publishing companies prefer to play safe or to sign TV personalities and YouTube stars.

Being a Philosophy graduate with a Master’s in Contemporary Culture, what fascinates you most and originally attracted you to studying Philosophy?

When I was very young I didn’t even know what philosophy was but there was one volume of my student encyclopedia that was dedicated to philosophy. I was curious, but almost everyone I asked about the subject just shrugged their shoulders. Others told me that it was something very complicated and difficult to understand. Wow, my interest suddenly increased. The challenge of understanding that “secret knowledge” played a big part. I guess that if I were born in the middle-ages I would be attracted to alchemy for the same reason. Today, I am very interested in the transition that we are experiencing from modernity to post-modernity. In particular, I’m fascinated by the effects that it has on our daily lives and how technology and economics shape most of those changes. 

Are you a bookworm? Do you read other genres? Kindle or actual book?

I am a bit of a bookworm, yes, but I am also very physical and need to exercise. I need to be on themove. I love reading but I am not the type who can stay on the beach with a book for hours. I want to swim, build sand castles with my daughter, climb over the rocks and explore… reading is a more intimate thing I do, preferably at home. In terms of the format I prefer traditional books, and if it has a hardcover with a large print, even better. 

Is The End of Everything available to purchase worldwide? 

This is one of the wonderful things of our age. The printed book is available on five continents thanksto amazon and the ebook is available worldwide to download via Kindle. The End of Everything: A society in transition by Adrián Gordaliza Vega(paperback, illustrated, £12.99, 2023) is published by PL Press and availablethrough all good bookshops & internet booksellers. It is also available in Spanish.

Growing up had you always wanted to be an author and a philosopher – or did you have other career aspirations ?

I did not have a very clear idea of anything when I was growing up… hence I studied philosophy. When I was a teenager I was an avid reader, mostly literature from the 19th and early 20th centuries. I always wanted to be in a job surrounded by books and teaching was the most likely option. As for writing, I had to do it anyway. Since a young age I have always written, whether I was jotting down ideas in a notebook, composing poetry for some unrequited love or writing letters to friends.

Have you got a “favourite” weird/historical fact that you have uncovered whilstresearching for your book?

I actually really enjoyed learning more about the Norwegian black metal movement of the 90s. I am not necessarily a fan of the style but it was so intense, so seemingly out of place (Norway has a reputation for being a quiet and peaceful place) and the story of Per Ohlin (Pelle) is so violent and sad that it left an impression on me. 

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

Covid changed everything for me in terms of outfits and shoes. I used to  go everyday to the City or Mayfair to visit my clients/students. I enjoyed wearing a suit or a blazer (no tie) because it is so comfortable and you do not need to think too much in the morning. Now I am working from home most of the time and clearly my wardrobe has changed, but my wife works for Ralph Lauren and I still have some decent items. 

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites ?

Ah, this is a great example of how technology shapes our tastes and ourway of life. Thanks to the Instagram algorithm I discovered some online brands that otherwise I would never have known about. I have recently bought some clothes from a brand called Tailored Athlete. It is rather minimalistic in style and the perfect balance betweensmart and casual. It is also very comfortable and that is a big plus.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I would love a cashmere jumper, please. 

Boots or Shoes? 

Boots. Always. They are so much more rock’n’roll.

Links you would like to share:

Spencer-Vega Languages:

Instagram: #premiumlanguages

Thank you very much Adrián for the interview and for the preview copy of your book.

Linda x

All photographs have been published with kind permission from Adrián Gordaliza Vega.

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