Category Archives: Books

Analyzing The Prescotts Book Tour

This week I’m so pleased to be part of author Dawn Reno Langley’s “Analyzing The Prescotts” Book Tour. This is the first time I’ve encountered a book in the LGBTQ+ literary fiction genre and it was extremely impressive reading – the very dramatic storyline drew me in and as each member of the Prescotts unravelled their views to their therapist, my opinions changed and then I realised I was getting caught up in the private life of Cotton Barnes, the therapist too. It was definitely a hard book to put down …. And I couldn’t wait to chat to Dawn about her reasons for choosing this storyline in our interview, but first here’s a quick summary of “Analyzing The Prescotts”….


Cotton Barnes, a Raleigh, NC, therapist, leveled by a client’s recent suicide, is struggling to resume her practice when she begins working with the Prescotts, a family fractured when the father comes out as transgender and begins transitioning. They relate their stories in their chosen voices, each family member’s narrative in a different format. Journals, social media, and other nontraditional narratives challenge Dr. Barnes’ therapeutic skills. While each member of the Prescotts dodge land mines behind the closed doors of her therapy office, the Raleigh, North Carolina area is rocked by a series of LGBTQ+ hate crimes. As Cotton finds herself stalking the family, worried that she might not be able to “save them,” her husband slips away, and Cotton is forced to make a decision that will determine whether she saves her own marriage or the Prescotts.

Publisher: Black Rose Publishing

Print length: 308 pages


Hi Dawn and a big warm welcome to the blog 😊 Please introduce yourself to the readers …I

Hello, I’m Dawn Reno Langley. I’m a writer who has worked in every genre except screenplays (because I just like writing about everything!). Though I’m originally from the Boston area, I live in North Carolina with my scientist husband and my twelve-year-old Schichon, Izzy. I love traveling and am about to go on a new adventure — to Chile! 

Who or what inspired you to write “Analyzing The Prescotts”?

During the dissertation process for my PhD, I studied transgender authors and what they wrote both pre- and post-transition. Their works were fascinating to me for many different reasons, and the story about the Prescotts was inspired by their memoirs.

I really enjoyed reading your book, “Analyzing ThePrescotts ” and I particularly enjoyed the characters of Cotton, Hailey, & Janis.  I had sympathy for Gray too. What character did you particularly enjoy writing about? What character was the hardest to portray?

I’m so glad you enjoyed the story! That means a lot to me. I spend years with these characters, so when I release a book, it’s like sending my children into the world. 

I love all my characters, but I love Hailey and the kids most in this book. They are the ones who respond with love, while Gray is incredibly screwed up, and Cotton needs more time to recover from her breakdown before she takes on helping others. 

Cotton was the most difficult to portray, because she had to be professional yet skewed. She’s not a person really capable of helping the Prescotts, and she knows that her breaking points are affecting her ability to be an effective therapist. In essence, she’s not a bad therapist, but the Prescotts challenge her, and she probably shouldn’t be treating them. Ultimately, they teach her what it means to be a family, and I believe she is changed for the better, even though her own life falls apart.

Hypothetically speaking, if “Analyzing The Prescotts “ was made into a film, who would you consider to be great actors to play the roles of Cotton, Gray, Hailey, Janis, Marcus, Cherylynn & Cotton’s husband ? 

Wow, that’s a tough question. Hmm, I really think Meg Ryan would be a great choice for Cotton, because she has the ability to be both fragile and strong when portraying females caught in tough situations. For Gray, I think Lizzy Caplan might be a good choice. She has the ability to play a serious woman with a scary side. Hailey has to be Renee Zelwegger. She has proven to be a tour de force when taking on tough characters, and I think she’d be perfect for Hailey. As for Janis, Millie Bobby Brown can be tough and tortured, the way Janis is, and I think she’d bring an edge to the role that few others could manage.  Ella Anderson is perfect for Cherylynn. Ella has an innocent, happy face, as well as the depth to show the myriad emotions the middle child endures. Marcus could be played by Asher Morrissette, who has starred in soap operas and has a full range of facial emotions. Finally, I always imagined Thomas as Ethan Hawke–handsome, slim, and intense. That was a fun exercise!

The novel is based in North Carolina. What made you pick that location for the novel?

I live in North Carolina and know the area well. The place where Cotton lives is only minutes away from a house I used to own, the therapist’s office is based on one that I have visited, the Prescotts’ house is one I passed every day on my way to work, and the Raleigh/Durham area has experienced the type of gender bashing that I describe in the novel.

Growing up, did you envisage yourself as a writer or did you have other career aspirations?

I’ve been a writer since the age of 9 when my first article was published, but I never really thought I could make a living at this profession. I always wanted to be a flight attendant so I could travel. (And even though I’m not a flight attendant, I have travelled extensively, so that dream has been fulfilled). It wasn’t until I was in college and became editor of the newspaper that I realized all I wanted to do was write–and I’ve done so ever since.

Is “Analyzing The Prescotts ” available to purchase worldwide?

By the way, whether the book is available worldwide, we just released the audio book, and the book is now available in the US,  Canada, the UK, and Australia.

If you could visit any place in the world to inspire your next novel, where would you go and why? 

I’d love to visit Uzbekistan, because it’s a mysterious, fascinating place that is not “over-touristed.” I’m not sure what kind of story I’d place there, but visiting the country would be inspiration enough for many stories, I believe.

I’d also like to revisit Kenya to get more information for a follow-up story to my novel, The Mourning Parade. I have an outline already started for a new book, but it’s waiting until I finish editing a trilogy that’s set here in the U.S.

Are you a bookworm yourself? If so, what genres (or authors) do you usually like to read? And are you a kindle or “proper book” fan?

Oh, yes! I’ve spent my whole life with piles of books around me. When I was a child, I read every book in my little local library before graduating to the “big” library where I devoured biographies, books on traveling, and novels. Now, I read mostly literary novels (Barbara Kingsolver, Michael Cunningham, and Abraham Verghese are some of my favorite authors), but I also love fantasies, and I’d count books like Station Eleven, Night Circus, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane among my favorites. 

I love a physical book, but I have a Kindle because I do a lot of traveling and books are heavy!

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I’m a writer, so sweats are my go-to. I also teach yoga, so I wear lots of leggings and sweatshirts. However, I do like to get dressed up and for the launch party for Analyzing the Prescotts, I wore a winter white outfit — crepe pants, turtleneck top, and below-the-knee duster coat. My favorite colors are black or white, so that’s what I usually wear. (I could use some fashion advice :-)).

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites?

Sundance clothing is one of my fav online shops. It’s owned by Robert Redford and features a lot of casual, funky clothing that I’d love to wear.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I’d love a pair of nice hiking shoes for the times when my husband and I are traveling. We walk/hike everywhere! 

Boots or Shoes?

I love boots in the winter, but usually wear Sperry’s in the summer.

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc

Facebook: @dawnrenolangley

TikTok: @proflangley    

Insta: @proflangley  

Pinterest: @proflangley   


Such a pleasure to have you on the blog, Dawn. Thank you for inviting me onto your book tour and thank you for a copy of your book “Analyzing The Prescotts “ for reviewing … a book I thoroughly enjoyed reading so 10/10 for me 😊

All photographs have been published with kind permission of Dawn Reno Langley, apart from the clock header photo which was taken by me.

Linda x

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Author Interview: Joan Lewis

In the 1970s in Britain, a disproportionate number of immigrant children were put into E.S.N (educationally subnormal) schools, considering them subnormal regardless of who they were or what they could achieve. This particularly affected the children of the Windrush generation who were from the Caribbean islands and had moved to England. “Because You Were There” is a powerful novel by author Joan Lewis is about the treatment of the Windrush immigrants. Although it is a work of fiction, the facts behind the story are very true. And Joan Lewis should know – in the early 1970s she was a young teacher at an E.S.N school in Bath. I caught up with Joan to find out more about her novel and her teaching career…. but first, here’s a quick book summary.


A stirring and compelling novel about the scandalous treatment of Windrush immigrants. In the 1960s and ‘70s a disproportionate number of black children who came to Britain were sent to special schools for so called educationally subnormal (E.S.N.)  children whatever their talents, starting their life in Britain at a disadvantage because of their race. This introduction to racism would haunt them throughout their lives.

The failure to encourage one particularly talented child, Tina, is seen through the eyes of Felicity, her special needs teacher who would have liked to help but didn’t. Fifty years later Felicity returns to the same town and realises that Tina has suffered from discrimination throughout her life, and her family too. Is it possible to make amends, or even to say sorry?

A book about belonging. Tina left Jamaica, where she was loved and valued, for a country that treats her like dirt. In spite of all this, she feels a strong attachment to Britain. Felicity, who was born British, is alienated and feels that Britain no longer represents her values.

Tina, a bright and rebellious ten-year-old from Jamaica, leaves her homeland in 1968 to join her mother in Britain. But instead of receiving a warm welcome, Tina is forced to attend an ESN school, where she is treated as inferior due to her Jamaican heritage. Eventually, in desperation, she writes a cry for help in the form of a poem, giving it to the one teacher she trusts. But her teacher, Felicity, ignores her hidden plea, though as the years go by she remains haunted by the memory of the vulnerable teenager.

Fifty years later, Tina and Felicity cross paths again, and as Felicity grows closer to Tina’s family, she is drawn into a racist hate campaign conducted by her neighbours against Tina’s daughter. Can Felicity ever make amends for all that Tina and her family have suffered?


Hello Joan and welcome… please introduce yourself….

Hello. I’m Joan. I suppose my adult life can be divided into two parts: pre-France and post France. I was a teacher and primary school headteacher in the U.K. for thirty years. During that time we brought up two sons, first of all on our small holding in West Wales where we had a much loved Jersey cow called Mildred, as well as sheep, geese and chickens. We then moved to Marlborough, in Wiltshire. I loved teaching, but sadly, the job has been made overly stressful. I’m not sure I’d choose that career path again, although I very much miss the inspiration of young children. We now live in the middle of a national forest, in a stunning part of Southern France. We had to work hard to establish a living from two gîtes, but it has been enormous fun, and we have made some lasting friendships. We now have more leisure, and enjoy spending time on our boat. I have always loved to write, and at long last I now have time to do so. ‘Because You Were There ‘is my first published novel. There will be more!

“Because You Were There” is your powerful novel – a fictional story based on very true facts, about the treatment of Windrush immigrants in Britain.   What inspired you to write a novel in the first place? Why this particular subject?

When I taught in Bath, I was young and impressionable. I have so many memories from that time. It was exciting to live and work in a beautiful Georgian city. Also the children with their special needs made such a mark on me, and I  remember  every single pupil with affection.  They were all so much more than their ‘handicaps.’ One particular pupil did not have special needs. Like a lot of pupils from the Caribbean at that time, she was wrongly categorised, and removed from her neighbourhood friends. She wrote a poem for me…just imagine! It was a cry for help. But I did nothing about it. This has haunted me ever since. Recently, I was shocked to learn about the Windrush scandal, when bona fide British immigrants from the Caribbean were cruelly threatened with deportation. Could that have happened to my ex pupil? This inspired me to write a story, so that everyone could see how wrongfully we have treated this group of people throughout their lives.  It is pure fiction, but it is based on real events.

Who were the hardest characters to portray?

Perhaps the hardest character to portray was my arch villain ‘The Colonel.’  Although in real life, most of my fellow teachers at the special school were very kind, one teacher was particularly harsh towards these vulnerable children. He was also very misogynistic towards me. Obviously ‘The Colonel’ is purely fictional and much exaggerated, but I do think that I created this character in order to wreak my revenge.

Were there any aspects of writing your novel that surprised you, either by being harder or easier to write about than you expected?

I was surprised at how quickly my story was written. I think that my memories were so powerful, that they all came tumbling out. It was also as if the characters I invented took me over and said: ”Look, Joan. This is how we feel, and this is what happened.”

Hypothetically speaking, if “ Because You Were There” was made into a film, who would you love to see portraying the characters, especially Tina and Felicity?

Obviously Felicity, the teacher, is very loosely based on me. How about Penelope Cruz?(I joke!)  Letitia Wright is an exceedingly powerful and intelligent actress, who moved to Britain from Guyana when she was only seven. She would be amazing in the role of Tina as an adult,  although she would have to age quite a bit.

Have you always wanted to have a career in teaching or writing or did you have other career aspirations growing up?

I always wanted to be a teacher from the age of four, like my mum. 

Are you a bookworm? What is your favourite genre and/or authors? Kindle or actual book? 

I have periods when I love to read exhaustively, but the conditions have to be right. Kindle for me, though books are definitely more precious. I mainly read contemporary literary fiction, mostly by women such as Rachel Cusk, Claire Keegan, Zadie Smith, Maggie O’Farrell, Anne Enright , Ali Smith, and others. I recently met Natasha Brown, who is the author of a startling new book called ‘Assembly,’ and am keen to read any novels she may write in the future.

Is Because You We’re There available to purchase worldwide?

 ‘Because You were There is available through Amazon, Waterstones, and The Gurdian Bookshop.  

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I got married in the seventies in a pair of jeans, and have never given up on them, though recently I have discreetly started to wear denim joggings. It’s always been casual for me: trousers rather than dresses, and boots and trainers, rather than heels: and maybe linen trousers, or a short denim skirt and sandals in the increasingly hot summers here.

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites?

I always shop on line: Uniqlo, M+S maybe. I find that clothes I bought from Boden years ago have aged well. I still have an ancient pair of Boden velvet trousers for special occasions that I adore.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

My leather baseball type boots from Rieker which I wear non- stop in winter, are wearing out. If the soles can’t be replaced, I’ll have to find similar ones. I love the side zips and they are soooo warm.

Boots or Shoes?

Low boots or trainers definitely!  We take daily walks into the forest , so that’s a must. 

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc

I love to blog. When I’m not writing something longer, it kind a’ scratches that itch. I can be found on:

Thanks to Joan for the copy of her excellent book “Because You Were There” for reviewing. Also thanks to Cameron Publicity & Marketing.

All photographs have been published with kind permission of Joan Lewis

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Book Review: Finding Katya

Happy New Year!

I always think about travelling at the start of a New Year – real and armchair travelling! So, I’m so pleased to kick off 2024 with a book review for a book that ticked off both two of my loves – wanderlust armchair travelling and a good read to boot. “Finding Katya” by Katie R Aune is part memoir and part travelogue .


Finding Katya is the inspiring and compelling story of one woman who ditches everything to embark on an unconventional adventure through the former Soviet Union.

On her 35th birthday, Katie Aune was at a crossroads. Still reeling from a difficult breakup and longing to find more meaning in her life, she hopped on a one-way flight to start a year-long journey of discovery. Once a Russian and East European Studies major in college, Aune plotted a course that would take her through all 15 states of the former Soviet Union.

In a book that is part memoir, part travelogue, Aune takes readers along as she discovers places that are far off the typical tourist track, from riding the Trans-Siberian Railway across Russia and taking a cargo ferry from Ukraine to Georgia, to volunteering in Tajikistan and camping in the desert of Turkmenistan. Faced with the vulnerability of traveling solo through unfamiliar lands, she shakes off her insecurities, embraces the unknown and realizes that each journey is worthwhile, even if it doesn’t go as planned.

ISBN-13: 979-8988365907


Print length: 286 Pages


Obviously Katie’s journey took place before the Ukraine/Russia conflict – embarking on such a journey over the last year or so would be unwise. There’s some sort of mystique still about the former USSR and I have read books about similar journeys – such as The Amur River by Colin Thubron. Katie’s book takes travelling in the former states of USSR to a different angle – this is a female solo trip. She teaches English in Russian households, she faces hostility from macho Russian men on the cargo ferry, she finds love, and her experiences most definitely have not been sugarcoated. As I read her book, my emotions were like a yo-yo… I enjoyed her ups, envied the sights she saw, laughed at some situations and was concerned at others. A great, refreshing read.


Katie R. Aune is a recovering tax attorney who has worked in nonprofit and higher ed fundraising for more than a decade while also dabbling in travel blogging and writing. Despite not traveling overseas for the first time until she was 25, she has been to nearly 70 countries and all seven continents. Born and raised in Minnesota, Katie is currently based in Washington, D.C. and has a habit of rooting for sports teams that find ways to lose in devastating fashion.

You can find her online at:







All photographs have been published with the kind permission of Katie R Aune.

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Author Interview: Mitesh G Desai

I’m finishing off the year with an interview with author Mitesh G Desai and his novel “ The Big Shot Trader”. This entertaining and funny novel is based on the world of market trading where everything is driven by money and status. And Mitesh should know because he was a former trader!


Does Kerpal have what it takes to get ahead in the high-pressure world of finance? Young, naive and drawn in by the excitement and the money, can he keep up without losing who he really is?

Kerpal has just landed a job working as a trader at an investment bank. He’s about to crash land into a seat where the pressure and expectations are sky high and the tolerance for naivety and mistakes is close to zero. Follow his journey as he fumbles through work, love and family all whilst trying to discover what it takes to be a big dog.

The Big Shot Trader is a fast-paced comedy with real insight into the world of finance and the sacrifices, risks and moral choices that those in the industry make in order to survive, thrive and get paid.


Hi and welcome to the blog! Please introduce yourself…

Hi! I am Mitesh. I’m an author and have just published my debut novel, “The Big Shot Trader”.  I grew up in North London (the green suburb bit, fortunately, rather than the slightly destitute inner city bit) and then following an Economics Degree I found myself living in New York working for one of the biggest banks in the world. It was 2008, the financial crisis was unfolding and it was a crazy time. Every morning there were protestors outside the offices and nobody seemed to have any idea what the next day would hold in store, let alone the next week or month. Things were so volatile at the time that nobody had the capacity to think about years. 

I found my way back to London and continued working in finance for five years. Following that I did lots of stuff; I taught Economics for A-Level students at a school in Hertfordshire, wrote a textbook about how to pass an exam to study social sciences at Oxford and eventually ended up running an E-Commerce business which I still work in to date. I also got married in the midst of everything and am now blessed with a two year son and a mother in law who could win awards for her cooking. 

What inspired you to write “The Big Shot Trader” ? 

It actually started off as a blog. I was working in the City and was increasingly disillusioned with my existence. It was a cathartic experience to write about this fictional character and the way he felt as things just happened to him. It probably helped me to exercise some of the demons that were troubling me day to day as I started to plot a life outside of finance. 

I spent a long time ignoring the book and constantly thinking I should really get it finished but not making a great deal of effort to do so. When I discovered my wife was pregnant I decided it was now or never so worked on it consistently until it finally got into a place where I could feel happy with it. 

© Linda Hobden

As you were a former trader, are your characters based on observations of people you’ve come across in the past and incidents you’ve experienced ? Who were the hardest characters to portray?

On the one hand  the characters are fictional and yet it’s amusing that all of my friends who work in finance can identify so readily with each and every character that appears in the book. I’ve fielded at least five phone calls where I’ve been asked if it was their specific boss or colleague that I was depicting. I think the truth is that so many people who work in finance fit a certain character mould and so there’s a lot of reality in the behaviour of the people in the story. 

My protagonist, Kerpal, was really tough to bring to life. He arrives at the start of the book as this smart guy and it was hard to craft a story in which he remains relatively passive throughout. This felt true of the finance experience; it’s quite rare that a junior banker can do much beyond doing what their told and hoping they get asked politely. I think there are places in which it will frustrate the reader as they think, ‘but I would treat this so differently’ but in the context of a high pressured environment it’s not realistic to think you would stand up to someone who is far more experienced and towering over you as they shout and push you to comply with some method of working, regardless of legality or any other moral consideration. 

I also loved writing about Kerpal’s family. The moments where you take him out of the work environment and make him a child again at a dinner table is a chance to show he’s immature side. This kid is only 22 years old and gambling millions of dollars by day and I felt like it was important to show readers he was so much more than just this City Boy.

Were there any aspects of writing your novel that surprised you, either by being harder or easier to write about than you expected? 

Having the idea to write was easy, the rest was really challenging! Planning a story and then trying to put it together is so difficult. I have always loved reading but have a newfound and epic amount of respect for writers who have churned out a lot of novels in their careers. Like lots of first time authors, I was working a full time job in the background and trying to balance family, friends and all my other committments and then when you throw in a new baby too it was a real challenge to find the motivation to sit down and write in the gaps. I settled into this groove of putting my son to sleep and then writing for an hour before then giving myself an hour to unwind before bed. It was slow and inefficient, probably, but eventually I got there.

Hypothetically speaking, if “ The Big Shot Trader ” was made into a film, who would you love to see portraying the characters, especially Kerpal? 

This is such a tricky question! I loved Kunal Nayyar (Raj in the Big Bang Theory) but not sure if they could make him look young enough to get away with playing a young trader. I think Aziz Ansari also has the right kind of face and stature to play the role. 

Have you always wanted to have a career in the financial field or writing or did you have other aspirations? 

I think when I was young I was guilty of falling into the trap of thinking that finance was the only career worth aspiring towards. I was sold by the perceived glamour, status and wealth it could provide. It’s a reflection of my own stupidity that after completing internship after internship and not enjoying the experience I still took a graduate job with a bank. That really should’ve been a wake up call to go and find something to do that I was passionate about but that thought never occured to me at the time. 

I love writing so much but I think I have always seen it as a hobby. I have a note pad with about eight book ideas and I don’t lose much sleep wondering if I’ll ever write any of those novels to be honest. I contribute to a football website (my other passion) regularly and love writing to entertain. I am always pleased when I write something and, this is particularly true of football, people can take off their tribal hats and just be amused or tickled by something for what it is. 

Are you a bookworm? What is your favourite genre and/or authors? Kindle or actual book? 

I am a huge reader! I love fantasy but try to stop myself falling into the trap of only reading fantasy novels. That said I recently read the first two books in the “Six of Crows” series by Leigh Bardugo and just loved everything about them. I can’t wait for the third to be released. 

I always think the way to judge a favourite book is based on how many times you’ve gifted it and on that basis my favourite book is definitely, “A Fraction of the Whole” by Steve Toltz. It is hilarious, awkward and a wonderful story. He is such a talented writer. 

For a long time I loved printed books but made the switch over to Kindle a few years ago and will never go back. First of all it’s much easier to travel with a kindle than with three books in your hand luggage, it’s more environmentally conscious (I hope) and I sometimes read late at night and if I am dropping off whilst reading it’s less painful when a kindle falls on your face compared to a 500 page book! 

Is The Big Shot Trader available to purchase worldwide?

Yes! It’s on Amazon now and I think a few independent book stores are starting to pick it up too. If you’re in London then Daunt Books in Marylebone is my favourite book shop on earth and I believe it’s available. I think it’s an old monastery and the bank has the original stained glass windows in place; it’s an utterly wonderful place to get lost in a story. 

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

Something comfy! I am lucky enough to run my own business so I don’t feel the need to conform to any particularly dress code. I’ll be in a pair of jeans, a jumper and a comfy pair of trainers most days. My marketing team sent me a “Mitesh toolkit” picture which showed my staple clothes items and it was incredibly (and alarmingly) accurate.

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites ?

I live in Marylebone so Daunt Books is amazing. I’m guilty of reading a book in there for an hour and nobody has ever kicked me out. The staff are so friendly and helpful and love books themselves. 

I don’t do a lot of shopping in truth but I like Reddit. Any website that can show me global current affairs, sports, a  good joke and a picture of a cat wearing a hat on a single page is going to get my vote. 

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I am actually in the market for a pair of smart brown or navy shoes. The pair I own have seen better days and those better days were probably about a decade ago (like I said, I don’t shop much). I actually looked at getting them restored as a lazy option but the cost of restoration is not vastly dissimilar to buying a brand new pair! 

Boots or Shoes?

Generally I favour shoes. Boots are a bit too heavy and I feel like my feet get tired wearing them all day. I own a couple of really cool pairs of hightop trainers and I will avoid wearing them if I think I’m going to do more than 5000 steps in a day. 

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc

You can find my novel here:

I am on twitter as @mdesaiauthor but in the most sporadic and inefficient way that it almost renders the whole venture pointless. I should really get involved a bit more I suspect. 

Thanks for the chat, Mitesh ! I will definitely check out Daunt bookshop! 😊 Thanks to Mitesh for the review copy of The Big Shot Trader ( & Ben Cameron of Cameron Publicity & Marketing). All photographs were published with kind permission of Mitesh Desai, apart from where marked.

Linda x

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Spotlight On The Watchers Night Of Light

It’s getting close to Christmas and if you haven’t yet got your shopping done by now then I wish you good luck this weekend… it has been mayhem in the shops and roads where I live!

If you’re looking for something a bit different to read this holiday season, then check out the fantasy series The Watchers by Deirdra Eden. Her book number 7 in this series, “Night Of Light”, has recently been published.) I interviewed Deirdra way back in 2020 so for more information, check out the post HERE

The Watchers is an epic fairytale about finding hope and light during dark times. The story introduces you to a cast of engaging, down-to-earth, yet supernatural characters. There is someone for everyone to identify with and come to love, hate, and recognize in our own modern-day life. The story line leads the audience through epic adventures, young love, challenges, heartache, and very human experiences by otherworldly and apocryphal beings of legend. The mythology of the story is deep, yet easy to understand as it incorporates real historical events, places you can find on Google maps, and documented paranormal encounters from cultures and religions from all over the world.


The Watchers have returned and just in time for Armageddon.
Biblical plagues, wars, famine, and corruption in all forms cover the earth as the Watchers prepare for the final battle against Erebus and his army, and they are not alone. Auriella and Azrael attempt to acclimate and learn all they can about modern day before the behemoth and leviathan awaken.


Amazon affiliate link:
Deirdra’s Blog:
Deirdra’s Website:

The Watchers is Published by Rogue Matter. Pst. You can get the first book for free on the publishers website.


Deirdra Eden is an award winning artist and international bestselling author of The Watchers Series. Captivating audiences of all ages with her novels and fairy tales, her specialty is inspirational epic fantasy. Including documented historical phenomena, natural disasters of biblical proportions, and eyewitness accounts of the supernatural, she creates a relatable world for the modern reader with inspiring messages of hope. 

Deirdra enjoys horseback riding through open meadows, swimming in the ocean, hiking up mountains, camping in cool shady woods, climbing trees barefoot, cuddling her kitties, and going on adventures with her family and friends.

She is passionate about empowering people and helping them to reach their goals and overcome trials. 

She believes that we are all meant to be the hero of our own stories.

All photographs have been published with the kind permission of Deirdra Eden.

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Party Like It’s 2044 Book Tour

I’m so pleased to be part of Joni B Cole’s brilliant “Party Like It’s 2044” Book Tour. According to one review I recently read : “Finding the Funny is Ms Cole’s superpower”; and I agree wholeheartedly. Joni’s collection of essays in this book are really relatable and it was great to have a giggle or two. I am honoured to have not only read her awesome essay collection, to have not only be part of her book tour but to have interviewed the lady herself.😊. But first, here’s a summary of “Party Like It’s 2044” ….


Author Joni B. Cole worries that Vlad the Impaler may be a distant cousin. She feuds with a dead medium. She thinks (or overthinks) about insulting birthday cards, power trips, and the real reasons writers hate Amazon. And she wishes, really wishes, all those well-meaning people would stop talking about Guatemala. At once irreverent and thought provoking, Cole offers a joy ride through this collection of eclectic essays that lands smack on the sweet spot between soul searching and social commentary, between humor and heft. Writes author and national book reviewer Joan Frank, “Here is a voice giving us a welcome break: vibrant, provocative, funny and flavorful…Cole’s deep and generous thinking makes room and fresh air: worth breathing deeply.”

Publisher: University of New Mexico Press

ISBN-10: 0826365566

ISBN-13: 978-0826365569

Print length: 240 pages


Hi Joni , please introduce yourself.

I could introduce myself with factual info. I’m an author, a writing teacher, a mom… But I’ve always loved those six-word memoirs, where you’re asked to distill who you are (at least in that moment) to just six-words. So I’ll introduce myself by saying that right now the title of my memoir would be, “Leave all self-doubt at the door.” At this point, I’m really trying to be someone who doesn’t let insecurity or embarrassment discourage her.

Party Like It’s 2044 is your latest essay collection. What made you decide to write the this book?

I love reading personal essays because they offer up real stories about real people. So the genre appeals to me as a reader, but I also like writing personal essays because they let me explore the meaningful moments and relationships in my own life. The process of writing this collection was full of surprises and insights about how I see the world; how my mind works, what I find funny; and aspects of my personality that could definitely use a little work. 

Your book was an utter delight to read and the topics were instantly relatable.  One review I read about your book said: “ reading the book was like you were their best friend, spilling the daily antics that had happened that week” . I know I certainly had a giggle! Especially the essay on Guatemala!  So, you’re in a coffee shop do you tend to people watch / eavesdrop? 

I love hanging out in coffee shops as much for the eavesdropping as the coffee. (And I’m a coffee addict!) For writers, paying attention to how people act and interact is a great source of entertainment, inspiration, and understanding. You mentioned the humor in the book and I think much of that was inspired simply by people-watching. After all, “humor” and “humanity” share the same root word so the more you pay attention to humanity, the more you find the funny, whether it’s funny peculiar or funny ha ha. 

As well as being an author, you have your own Writer’s Center in White River Junction, Vermont where you teach online and in person creative writing to adults;& you also lead a variety of writing workshops.  If a person wanted to attend one of your workshops, what would they generally expect?

Participants in my workshops can expect sincere appreciation for their desire to write and their courage to show up and share their work. They can also expect instruction on narrative craft and supportive, useful feedback. I’m all about helping every aspiring author write more, write better, and be happier. That’s the subhead of one of my books for writers and it isn’t just a catchy phrase. It really is my goal as a teacher and workshop facilitator.

AI is much talked about at the moment in the news.  What is your view about using AI to enhance the written word?

Don’t do it. In creative writing, the only truly unique quality you can bring to your work is your voice, your authenticity. My only experience with AI in my workshops was the time a sci-fi writer admitted after our discussion of his pages that he’d used AI to generate one particular section. No surprise, that was the section the other participants found the flattest. 

 Is Party Like It’s 2044 available to purchase worldwide?

The English version is available wherever books are sold. 

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I live in Vermont so I normally hang out in jeans, a super soft sweater or cute flannel, and chunky-heeled shoes. I love shoes! In fact, I have way more shoes than sweaters.

Do you have any favorite shops or online sites?

Ms. Mooz is one of my favorite e-tailers. But I’m open to all, as long as it’s in my price range. 

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

If you’d asked me this question a couple months ago, I’d have an easy answer. Tall, lace-up boots with 3-inch block heels, preferably in a fun color. But I just bought a pair of boots just like this in navy, so that itch (for now) is scratched. I also recently bought these cool black loafers with chunky heels and big silver buckles. I call them my hip Pilgrim shoes and wear them all the time. I do need a better pair of hiking shoes—the soles on mine are way are too slippy on the trail. I’ve picked out a pair from Scarpa but it’s harder for me to invest that kind of money in practical shoes. Ha.  

Boots or Shoes?

This is an impossible question! 

Links you would like to share e.g. website/Facebook, etc.

FB Joni B. Cole

Insta: joni.b.colewriter


Thanks to Joni B Cole for a preview copy of her book, Party Like It’s 2044.

All photographs have been published with kind permission of Joni B Cole.

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An Interview With Stephen Jackley

In October 2023, former prisoner Stephen Jackley published his book “Just Time” , a revealing memoir and account of the reality of life behind bars in UK prisons. He was sentenced to 13 years for armed robbery and associated crimes, spending time in multiple prisons. Whilst in prison, he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, as well as completed an Open University degree. I caught up with Stephen to find out more about his book, his experiences and his life after his release. Hi Stephen and welcome! Please introduce yourself..

I’m Stephen. A former prisoner and current editor, I continue to support initiatives that endeavour to have a social or environmental impact, including mentoring people in custody, helping publish books by those from disadvantaged backgrounds, tree planting and permaculture.

Who or what inspired you to write your memoir “Just Time”, a revealing account of the reality of life behind bars in UK prisons?

It arose from a vow when in custody to shed a light on certain aspects of life inside. I saw first-hand how the general public are often misled about prisons and prisoners, which has knock-on impacts on the effectiveness of the justice system. There is a need to showcase how it can be improved, for in doing so we can ultimately ensure that less people when released go on to reoffend.

Your book highlighted the problems facing UK prisons and the inconsistencies in our justice system.  Having spent over 6 years as a prisoner in multiple prisons, what do you feel are the biggest problems being encountered and how do you think they could be alleviated?

Prisons are part of the justice system, and even an aspect of the civil service, yet politics plays a very heavy part in how they are managed. Changes in policies have sweeping impact to tens of thousands of people’s lives, in a manner far deeper than other areas of society, yet these changes often arise from political ambition. The need to look ‘tough’ on the ‘reprobates of society’, and so forth. So removing politics from prison, making it adopt an impartial and scientifically proven criminological model, is the way forward. And likewise realising that even in the most perfect of scenarios, these are places where abuses of power are most likely to happen, so those inside need an accessible route of access to the courts – to hold the actions and decisions of prison authorities to fair account – as a last resort.

As you have been to different types of prisons in the UK, were there any major differences to prison life between them?  

The differences sometimes seemed as great as moving to an entirely different country, or even a previous century. In one prison you could have plentiful access to jobs, with regular unlock; in another you were in a Victorian-era cell for 23 hours a day or more. In one you could have access to a library and physical activity sessions; in another the closest parallel was hearing rat feet scutter along the concrete. 

Stephen also did a bricklaying course.

You were an university student when you went to prison and you managed to complete an open university degree whilst being in prison. What was you studying/studied originally in university and what was your Open University degree in?  How difficult was it to study in prison?

It was a Geography and Sociology degree that changed to an Open Degree with a focus on the environment when in prison. Studying in itself was fine when in custody, even easier due to the relative absence of distraction and plentiful time available, but there were certain obstacles like not being able to access the internet, or at times use computers for printing assignments.

While in prison you were diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome.  What led to your eventual diagnosis? After being diagnosed, how was prison life for you?

The possibility of having Aspergers was raised before my sentencing, but not brought before the court’s consideration due to fears from my solicitor about the then ‘IPP’ sentence. It was raised again when clear difficulties arose in HMP Dovegate’s so-called ‘Therapeutic Community’. Finally, as I saw how others having committed similar offences were given lower sentences, and the fact I was sentenced at the very highest level of culpability (the explicit intention to cause harm), it seemed right to begin the formal process of appeal. But even after this, and before, the prison environment was one of constant noise, turbulence, unpredictable change and constraint that required medication to deal with.

Apart from writing your book, how has your experience in prison and your Asperger’s Syndrome helped in setting up your successful social enterprise since leaving prison? 

I would not say it has helped. There is widespread bias – rightly or wrongly – against ex-offenders. For many it is irrelevant what someone does after being in prison (or indeed before they even committed a crime): they are their crime. That stance has been cemented by media and culture. It’s possible to realise that ex-offenders are individuals, people who have gone astray or taken a step wrong, all with different circumstances, and that there’s no reason they can’t become positive, contributing members of society. I suppose in the process of setting up/running an organisation I have hoped people grasp that through the example I’ve set. But it’s often never that straightforward. 

Is “Just Time” available to purchase worldwide?

Yes. It is available through various outlets including the charity, Arkbound Foundation  – profits from the book go to the charity.

 What for you, was the worst thing(s) about prison life?  

The lack of contact with the natural world. 99.9% of the time you are surrounded by concrete, stone, metal. The few occasions on being escorted past an area of grass with sight of a tree were treasured.

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

Call it laziness if you wish, but I put comfort first. Unless it’s for some important meeting, I favour casual clothing and even sometimes push it too far with trainers and tracksuit bottoms for office based work.

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites ?

Independent ones with an ethical or ecological stance. There’s one in Glasgow: Locavore.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I need to get a proper raincoat. One that actually resists heavy rain. ‘Waterproof’ these days doesn’t really mean much, especially if – like me – you’re in Scotland!

Boots or Shoes? 

Shoes if in the city; boots if in the country. As I spend more time in the latter, it would be boots.

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc

Find out more about Arkbound Foundation here:  

or follow Arkbound Publishing on social media:


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Just Time: A Journey Through Britain’s Fractured Justice System by Stephen Jackley is published by Arkbound Publishing (paperback, £12.99) and available through booksellers and Arkbound:

Thanks Stephen for the chat. Thank you also for the review copy of your book. All photos have been published with kind permission from Stephen Jackley.

Linda x

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A Delicate Marriage Book Tour

I’m so pleased to be part of “A Delicate Marriage” book tour, the excellent debut novel of Margarita Barresi.


From glittering ballrooms to verdant mountains to poverty-stricken slums, A Delicate Marriage takes the reader on a vivid tour of Puerto Rico forty years after becoming a U.S. colony, a time of great change and political turmoil on the island.

Isabela, a wealthy woman, sacrifices her artistic aspirations to marry Marco, a penniless man dedicated to improving conditions on the island. As the island’s insular government enacts pro-U.S. policies, Marco builds a real estate empire while struggling to maintain his populist principles. Meanwhile, Isabela feels unfulfilled in her traditional role as a wife and mother and becomes disillusioned with Marco’s shifting moral compass. She begins to identify with anti-U.S. factions, leading a dangerous double life that puts her family in peril.

As political violence threatens their paradise, Isabela and Marco question whether their marriage, like the island’s relationship with the U.S., should continue. Margarita Barresi’s debut novel celebrates Puerto Rican culture while delving into themes of class, oppression, and the effects of colonialism through the lens of a marriage.

Publisher: Atmosphere Press

ISBN-10: 1639889302

ISBN-13: 978-1639889303

Print length: 352 pages


Hello Margarita and welcome to the blog! Please tell us a bit about yourself…

Hello! I was born and raised in Puerto Rico and came to the mainland to attend college at Boston University. I started out as a journalist and moved to a successful career in marketing communications and wrote for many brands, including Bausch & Lomb, Dunkin’ Donuts, Frito-Lay, and Avon. When I decided to stay home with my young daughters, I dipped my toes into writing parenting essays and memoir pieces about growing up in Puerto Rico in the 1960s and ‘70s. Once I became an empty nester, I dove full-force into fiction writing and wrote “A Delicate Marriage”. It’s been a dream come true.

“A Delicate Marriage” is your debut novel based in Puerto Rico. Who or what inspired you to start your writing career? 

I was an avid reader as a child and still am. Maybe because of that, writing came easily to me in school. My teachers praised my work and some were surprised to learn I aimed to study business in college. I was not adventurous enough to pursue a fiction writing career at that time, because I feared the starving artist life. Well, the business thing lasted one semester and then I found my people in the communications school. I’d never considered that writing careers existed outside of publishing.

Photo of Margarita’s grandmother in the late 1930s. Those are real orchids pinned to her dress.

“A Delicate Marriage” is a thoughtful romantic novel as well as combining 20th century history of Puerto Rico, relations with USA and a lot of Latino character, of course. I absolutely adored reading about Isabela – her life, her loves, her romantic notions, her family, Marco, her children, her newspaper.  I enjoyed your way of writing that I found myself immersed into her life. Did you base a lot of your characters on you and people you’ve met in life? Which character did you enjoy writing about the most?  Which character was the hardest?

Marco and Isa are loosely based on my grandparents. My grandmother was a debutante with acting aspirations and my grandfather was a poor, but ambitious young man. Their courtship unfolded very much like Marco’s and Isa’s, with my grandmother’s father trying his best to sabotage their love. Beyond that, the story if fiction, although little bits of my grandparents are recognizable here and there. So in a sense, they were both the easiest and hardest to write. 

I must say, this is a great debut novel and congratulations on being voted Readers Favourite in many publications.Was writing the novel easier or harder than you had envisaged? 

Thank you! I’m so happy you enjoyed it. I was already a writer of sorts, so I had no illusions that writing a novel would be easy. Nor did I presume to think that because I could write an annual report, I could write a novel. I started out by taking novel writing classes and kept at that for a while. Slowly, the story started taking place and I became confident enough to write it on my own. 

Being a proud Boricua yourself, having been raised in Puerto Rico… what are the top 3 things/places you think a visitor to Puerto Rico should see or do?

This is such a hard question, because unlike on many Caribbean islands, there’s so much to see and do in Puerto Rico. I’ll go with three classics that will give visitors a taste of everything the island has to offer.

1. Spend a day on the beach, preferably Isla Verde beach in the San Juan area or any beach outside of the city. 

2. Hit the mountains for a tour of El Yunque Rain Forest, the only tropical forest in the U.S. national forest system.

3. Spend a day in colorful Old San Juan for a trip back to the 15th century, shopping, and amazing Puerto Rican food.

Aerial view of Old San Juan

Hypothetically speaking, if “A Delicate Marriage” was made into a film, which actors would you like to see playing the main roles of Isabela, Marco etc?

I would love to see two unknown Puerto Rican actors cast as Isa and Marco. They’d be plucked from obscurity for these roles and continue to great success.

Are you a bookworm? What is your favourite genre and/or authors? Kindle or actual book? 

I am a voracious bookworm. Insatiable, really. I finish a book and immediately begin another. There is no time gap, ever. I also like to hold a book in my hands, to feel and turn the pages. I understand the convenience and immediacy of ebooks, but they’re not for me.

I love historical fiction, particularly stories set in the 20th century that are not war-related. Fiona Davis is a master and all her books focus on a historic New York City building. I also enjoy reading Renee Rosen, Beatriz Williams, and Marie Benedict. 

 Is “A Delicate Marriage” available to purchase worldwide?

Yes, online at Amazon.

Margarita at a bookstore the first time I spotted my novel in the wild.

Growing up had you always wanted to be an author or did you have other career aspirations?

As a child, I was fascinated with the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations, and with ancient Egypt. I wanted to be an archeologist!

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I really like the Kate Spade aesthetic, that sort of modern retro look. I’m curvy, so I gravitate toward fit and flare dresses in stripes or geometric prints. I love a capri pant with cute flats, too. If the outfit is somewhat neutral, I like to add a pop of color, usually with fun shoes. And always, always an appropriate matching bag. I’m not a one-bag-fits-all-outfits person. 

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites?

Not really. I usually have something very specific in mind and will google that—say a green and navy striped sweater—to see what the options are. Then I’ll visit the sites of the options I like. I guess I by item, not by store.

Margarita in a street in Old San Juan

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I’m currently on the hunt for a long camel coat, but with a modern flair.

Boots or Shoes? 

I grew up in Puerto Rico, so sandals—preferably flip-flops— are my go-to footwear, but I’m not sure they qualify as shoes. I do love a pointy kitten-heeled pump, though.

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc


Insta:  (@margaritabarresi)

FB:  (Margarita Barresi)


Great talking to you Margarita and thanks for inviting me onto your book tour! Thank you also for the review copy of A Delicate Marriage – it was a fabulous, engrossing read!

Linda x

All photographs have been published with the kind permission of Margarita Barresi

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Author Interview: Adrian Gordaliza Vega

This week my guest is author Adrian Gordaliza Vega who has written an extremely topical book called “ The End Of Everything: A Society In Transition” …discussions on a variety of issues, posing questions and if you are interested in social issues from climate change to gender fluidity then this may be the book for you … a debate in a book! It certainly was thought provoking and I was very intrigued to find out from Adrian about his thought processes whilst writing his book …come and join me!


“The End of Everything : A Society In Transition” is a thought-provoking book by Adrián Gordaliza Vega that explores various important topics of our time. It covers subjects like sex, relationships, the climate crisis, veganism, politics, gender fluidity, dating apps, social media, fake news, Covid-19, and LGBTQIA+ rights. It offers insights into the complexities of our society and the challenges we face.


A big warm welcome to the blog, Adrian….

Hello. My name is Adrián Gordaliza Vega. I am originally from Spain but I have lived in London for nearly 20 years. I was a language lecturer for several years but now I manage Premium Languages and Spencer-Vega Languages, providing language services (tuition, translation, etc.) for corporate clients and individuals.

Who or what inspired you to write your book The End of Everything ?

Probably a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out). I had the feeling that I was not really understanding what was going on around me. I could account for the recent and profound changes in our society(non-binary gender, veganism, post-truth, identity wars, wokism, mental health problems, etc.) but I could not find the intellectual root that supported that vision. I knew there was one, because social changes like that are not random. I wanted to make the effort of understanding the cultural shift that we are living right now. The alternative would have been to sitdown in front of the TV and complain about the new generation and how much better mine was. I didn’t  want to be that cranky and frustrated man. 

The End of Everything is certainly very thought-provoking, extremely topical and covers just about every social issue around!  I liked that every chapter had a theme, questions posed then discussed – and then summarised. It is a book you can dip in and out of, or read cover to cover (as I did!).  What topic did you find the hardest to write about and why?  

Mmm, I would say the chapter about climate change was the most difficult. I was worried that I might give the impression that I didn’t care or that I don’t believe there are changes affecting our current way of living. However, we have to be very cautious with what we say in the name of “saving the planet” because sometimes it can be a very politically-charged expression used to justify other things like taxes, regulation, adopting expensive technologies that very few can afford, and so on. 

For Pinning Later

Were there any aspects of writing the book that surprised you, pleasantly or otherwise?

Of course. One of the things that I loved when writing the book was the research phase. I learnt so many things that made the whole process worthwhile for me personally, even if the book were neverpublished. On a less positive note, I guess the publishing industry is a tricky one. There are so manybooks published every year that it is difficult for them to make money. In practical terms it means thatmany mainstream publishing companies prefer to play safe or to sign TV personalities and YouTube stars.

Being a Philosophy graduate with a Master’s in Contemporary Culture, what fascinates you most and originally attracted you to studying Philosophy?

When I was very young I didn’t even know what philosophy was but there was one volume of my student encyclopedia that was dedicated to philosophy. I was curious, but almost everyone I asked about the subject just shrugged their shoulders. Others told me that it was something very complicated and difficult to understand. Wow, my interest suddenly increased. The challenge of understanding that “secret knowledge” played a big part. I guess that if I were born in the middle-ages I would be attracted to alchemy for the same reason. Today, I am very interested in the transition that we are experiencing from modernity to post-modernity. In particular, I’m fascinated by the effects that it has on our daily lives and how technology and economics shape most of those changes. 

Are you a bookworm? Do you read other genres? Kindle or actual book?

I am a bit of a bookworm, yes, but I am also very physical and need to exercise. I need to be on themove. I love reading but I am not the type who can stay on the beach with a book for hours. I want to swim, build sand castles with my daughter, climb over the rocks and explore… reading is a more intimate thing I do, preferably at home. In terms of the format I prefer traditional books, and if it has a hardcover with a large print, even better. 

Is The End of Everything available to purchase worldwide? 

This is one of the wonderful things of our age. The printed book is available on five continents thanksto amazon and the ebook is available worldwide to download via Kindle. The End of Everything: A society in transition by Adrián Gordaliza Vega(paperback, illustrated, £12.99, 2023) is published by PL Press and availablethrough all good bookshops & internet booksellers. It is also available in Spanish.

Growing up had you always wanted to be an author and a philosopher – or did you have other career aspirations ?

I did not have a very clear idea of anything when I was growing up… hence I studied philosophy. When I was a teenager I was an avid reader, mostly literature from the 19th and early 20th centuries. I always wanted to be in a job surrounded by books and teaching was the most likely option. As for writing, I had to do it anyway. Since a young age I have always written, whether I was jotting down ideas in a notebook, composing poetry for some unrequited love or writing letters to friends.

Have you got a “favourite” weird/historical fact that you have uncovered whilstresearching for your book?

I actually really enjoyed learning more about the Norwegian black metal movement of the 90s. I am not necessarily a fan of the style but it was so intense, so seemingly out of place (Norway has a reputation for being a quiet and peaceful place) and the story of Per Ohlin (Pelle) is so violent and sad that it left an impression on me. 

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

Covid changed everything for me in terms of outfits and shoes. I used to  go everyday to the City or Mayfair to visit my clients/students. I enjoyed wearing a suit or a blazer (no tie) because it is so comfortable and you do not need to think too much in the morning. Now I am working from home most of the time and clearly my wardrobe has changed, but my wife works for Ralph Lauren and I still have some decent items. 

Do you have any favourite shops or online sites ?

Ah, this is a great example of how technology shapes our tastes and ourway of life. Thanks to the Instagram algorithm I discovered some online brands that otherwise I would never have known about. I have recently bought some clothes from a brand called Tailored Athlete. It is rather minimalistic in style and the perfect balance betweensmart and casual. It is also very comfortable and that is a big plus.

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

I would love a cashmere jumper, please. 

Boots or Shoes? 

Boots. Always. They are so much more rock’n’roll.

Links you would like to share:

Spencer-Vega Languages:

Instagram: #premiumlanguages

Thank you very much Adrián for the interview and for the preview copy of your book.

Linda x

All photographs have been published with kind permission from Adrián Gordaliza Vega.

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Alle C Hall’s Book Tour

I’m so pleased to join author Alle C Hall’s book tour for her fabulous book “As Far As You Can Go Before You Have To Come Back”. I received a copy of her book for reviewing and I found myself riveted from start to finish. As always, all my views expressed are 100% mine . Let me start with a book summary to whet your appetite, before welcoming Alle onto the blog!


Carlie is not merely traveling. A child sexual abuse survivor, as a teen she steals ten thousand dollars from her parents and runs away to Asia. There, the Lonely Planet path of hookups, heat, alcohol, and drugs takes on a terrifying reality. Landing in Tokyo in the late 1980s, Carlie falls in with an international crew of tai chi-practicing backpackers. With their help, Carlie has the chance at a journey she didn’t plan for: one to find the self-respect ripped from her as a child and the healthy sexuality she desires.

Publisher: Black Rose Writing

ISBN-10: 1685131476

ISBN-13: 978-1685131470

Audio Book AISN: B0C3NVGNS

Print Length: 267 pages

Purchase a copy of the book on Amazon,, or Barnes and Noble. Make sure you also add it to your GoodReads reading list.

About the Author
Nominated for The Pacific Northwest Booksellers Book Award and—tis just in—winner of The PenCraft Book Award for Fiction – Adventure, Alle C. Hall’s debut literary novel, As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back was winning prizes before its publication, including the National League of American Pen Women’s Mary Kennedy Eastham Prize. Her short stories and essays appear in journals including Dale Peck’s Evergreen Review,Tupelo Quarterly,New World Writing,Litro, Creative Nonfiction, and Another Chicago. She has written for The Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly, and was a contributing writer at The Stranger. She is the former senior nonfiction editor at jmww journal and the former associate editor of Vestal Review. Hall lived in Asia, traveled there extensively, speaks what she calls “clunky” Japanese, and has a tai chi practice of 35 years running


Hello Alle, and a big warm welcome onto the blog! Please introduce yourself….

Hello. My name is Alle, and I am in recovery from Bulimia, compulsive overeating, alcoholism, and sex and love avoidance. (Sorry for the default; that’s the only way I’ve introduced myself for 33 years!) I live in Seattle with such a great husband that after 25 years together, his kindness and humor and moral core still amaze me, given the kind of partner I was set up for. I have two sons, both young adults. I think they are launching wonderfully. 

As Far As You Can Go Before You Have To Come Back” is your debut literary novel – and what a brilliant debut! Who or What made you decide to write a novel in the first place?

I had been freelancing as a journalist, and had started to play with short fiction, I wrote some truly awful short stories. I mean, I’ve always been able to move a sentence right along, and I have a unique was of using words. But … a novel? Never occurred to me. Then, it did. I was at work—very low-paying job that involved a great deal of filing. One afternoon, I was filing away and hating it when I was flooded with the pain of having blown it. “Why didn’t I steal money and run away? I should have …. I should have … ”

The truth being, children who are groomed from a very young age do not run away, We adapt to trauma, and so are unable to see life beyond abuse. But a child who wasn’t assaulted until she was twelve could run away. And boom: I had the story.

Your book highlighted for me how quickly childhood sexual abuse can lead to problems with sexuality as an adult and other vulnerabilities/addictions. Were there any aspects of writing your book that surprised you, either by being harder or easier to relate than you expected? 

I had no idea how to write a novel, so I just sat myself down one day every weekend and wrote for about ten hours. I did that for seven years, until I had a draft that I could edit. I had no idea how hard editing would be. It took me many, many more years to come up with the novel you read. 

It was far easier than I thought it would be to explain trauma-things like, “triggered” or “abreaction.” In the first draft, I did a lot of hopelessly earnest explaining. By the time the book was accepted by a publisher, society had changed (thank you, Me,Too!) to the point that much of the lingo that were not commonly known when I first wrote the book, in the 1990s,were the a la mode.

I love your writing style.  I went through a range of emotions – I wanted to reach out and comfort Carlie and her siblings during the “shed”  episodes,  I was angry at the abusers, I sympathised and understood Carlie’s reactions to situations whilst travelling, I was annoyed at her parents for not realising the damage they were doing, I was glad when  Tai chi entered her life,  I was elated when she settled in Tokyo, …. phew!  A rollercoaster of a novel but one that was utterly believable. Did you base your characters and situations on people you’ve met and places you’ve encountered?

Thank you for that great compliment. It’s a primary reason we writers do what we do—to bring up all those feelings in readers. 

In a very, very loose way, I based characters on people that I knew: my therapist, a dear friend, two lemons of guys that I met traveling. But the moment you take a set of basic characteristics—perhaps a way of speaking or long, lovely hair or a worldview—and you put them into a character, and then put that character into a situation, that character changes from the person you know IRL. And every page on which that character appears adds to that change, until you forget the person you might have started with and you have a real character, with a backstory and a specific motivation and a reason for being in the book besides his/her/their relationship with the main character.

It never fails to amaze me, how characters just walk into the story. When Carlie first arrives in Tokyo, she ends up living in this big, old Japanese house that is based on one living situation I was lucky enough to find in Tokyo. My landlady and I got on like a house on fire, and so I put her gentle warrior self into to novel. Then I remembered a story a friend told me, a really beautiful and sad yet uplifting story, and I gave that to the landlady. So then she’s embedded. She glided into a couple more scenes. She’s one of my favorite characters.

For pinning later

Congratulations on your numerous awards and literary nominations for this novel -well deserved 😊 What advice would you give to aspiring writers who want to write novels that cover controversial topics?

Thank you again for the congrats. To writers who want to write controversial topics, I would say three things. The first: just write. Don’t let anyone dissuade you from your vision. If someone cannot be supportive, they become someone you talk about something else; the Mets or whatever. 

Secondly: don’t worry about sales trends. It can take years to find an agent and/or publisher, and once you sign a deal, it can take up to two years for your book to publish.

Lastly: let go of trying to control the readers’ experience with your book. Write the book you wish had been around when you were going through whatever circumstances lead you to want to write about the topic. 

Growing up, have you always hoped to have a career as a writer or did you have other aspirations?

I thought I was passionate about several careers, but I didn’t have it within me to pursue them because of the trauma effect on my sense of self. I was frozen in a way that made me come across as spoiled and unpleasant, as an employee. I got fired quite a bit, or not hired back when my contract ended. 

Are you a bookworm yourself? If so, what genres do you tend to go for? Book or kindle (ebook)?

Oh, my gosh. Book! I am particularly drawn to stories by women of color. I resonate most with fiction, but as long as the story (rather than data or research) is predominate, I’ll happily read nonfiction. I wish I were better about reading poetry. Seems to me the poets have the most to say.

Growing up, I was a bookworm. And I did a literature degree. But once I started writing, I had no time to luxuriate in books. It seems to me that of all the categories—family, friends, work, and fun with discretionary time—we get maybe two out of threeat any given time. I think it is possible to have everything; just not all at once. 

Is “As Far as You Can Go Before You Have To Come Back” available to purchase worldwide?

It’s in all the countries that Amazon sells in. If you want a store to stock it, or just order it for you, all you have to do is ask. I’d love that!

Personal now – what outfits and shoes would you normally be found wearing?

I work at home, so I wake up, get out of my sleeping pajama, get into my sweats, and old t-shirt, and call it an outfit. When I’m putting on the dog, I go for Asian jackets with the button down the front over black slacks. I do like a sequined top. I have a dress cut like your classic little black with cap sleeves that is completely covered with sequins. It must weight twenty pounds. 

Do not show me a pantsuit. I love Hilary, but she did us no favors in that respect..

Do you have any favorite shops or online sites?

I can’t buy clothes online. I have broad shoulders and—we’re all adults, here—big boobs, so things can hang weirdly. IRL, I like 

What’s next on your clothes/shoe wish list?

So funny that you ask that. I have been eating Keto since June and I’ve lost 30 pounds that I very much needed to lose! Twenty more to go! But I am at the point where I desperately need to buy two- to three sizes smaller. I really want some stylin’ pants that hide a tummy but fit nicely across the tushie. Even when I was very heavy, I had nice buns, hun. 

Boots or Shoes? 

Sadly, shoes. I love a good boot, but the way boots are made, they prevent the ankle from moving freely. The constriction causes my legs to move awkwardly where they insert into my pelvis, and my lower back or neck risks going out of alignment. If I simply must wear boots, or any shoe a millimeter higher than a flat, I schedule a chiropractor appointment for the following morning.

Links you would like to share e.g. website/facebook etc

Sure! Thanks!

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Thanks so much for joining me on the blog Alle, for the preview copy of your book and for inviting me onto your book tour! It’s been a blast.

Linda x

The photos of the books, and the shoes were published with kind permission of Alle C Hall. The header and Pinterest photos are by Linda Hobden.

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